9. Lausitz Café: Short distances, great diversity - perspectives for local supply

9. Lausitz Café: Short distances, great diversity - perspectives for local supply

The Lausitz Café is an entertaining and regularly recurring series of events in which we would like to discuss with you specific questions related to selected key topics of structural change, i.e. a different main topic is discussed in each of the Lausitz Cafés. In 2024 we want to take the event series to the entire Görlitz district and invite you to the UnbezahlbarLounge in Görlitz on September 9th, 2024 .

Topic 1: Digitization of the city center
The district's City Initiative would like to initiate a project to bring the city centers to life. Part of the project is intended to be an app that contributes to the revitalization of inner cities through digitalization.
At the work table you will find various functional ideas that could be integrated into the app.

Please prioritize the features. Which functions do you see as particularly important in order to revitalize the city centers and which functions are dispensable for you? What content should be behind your top functions (top 3)?

Topic 2: Prima+ÖV mobility project
Imagine you live in the country, it's Friday evening and you have to bake a cake for your partner's birthday tomorrow. Unfortunately, you don't have all the ingredients in the house. The missing ingredients are not available in consumption and your partner is on shift in the family car.

In order to do the shopping, there is the option of a rideshare. What exactly would you need to consider this option on a regular basis? 

Topic 3: Hand in Hand
The Schmidt family has lived in the country for many years. They get their bread rolls from the local bakery every day and are regular customers of the neighboring butcher. Unfortunately, the businesses in this small town are not running as expected, so closure is on the cards. For the Schmidt family, this would mean that you would have to drive 10km to the next town to do your daily errands.

How can craft businesses and services be maintained in rural regions?

Topic 4: Social Place
Imagine you are 70 years old and live in a village with 2000 inhabitants. A 24/7 mini market opened about 2 months ago. You have already shopped there 5-6 times and are slowly getting to grips with the new system. But what you're still missing is the opportunity to easily talk to others.

How can modern local supply offerings (e.g. 24/7 market) be expanded to include a community aspect and interpersonal interactions?


The offer is aimed at all citizens of the district of Görlitz and is free of charge. Catering is also provided so that nobody has to discuss hungry.

If you are curious and want to know what has already been discussed in past Lausitz cafés, you can get an overview on our Miroboard: https://miro.com/app/board/uXjVMektvLc=/?share_link_id=738910008999

Information on accessibility: The venue is on the 1st floor and is only accessible via stairs. There is no toilet suitable for disabled people.

Information about the event

beginning of the event 09.09.2024 18:00
end of the event 09.09.2024 20:00
max participants 30
Participant 14
Free places 16
Venue Priceless Lounge, InnoLabs Görlitz

Registrations for this event are no longer accepted.