Lausitzcluster Mobility – alternatives in public transport

Lausitzcluster Mobility – alternatives in public transport

We would like to invite you to our Lausitzcluster Mobility network meeting for the fifth time. This meeting is all about alternative public transport solutions!

They expect regional and supra-regional approaches to mobility in rural areas as well as examples from other regions. Together we will address the question of how public transport can be supplemented with attractive additional offers.




Latest news from the Lausitz Cluster Mobility

9:00 a.m.
9:20 a.m


Current projects from the Impulsregion
Citizen Bus

Project presentation of private mobility offers in public transport “PriMa-plus-ÖV”

9:20 a.m.
10:30 a.m

 PriMa_plus_ÖV – To improve mobility participation in rural areas, an open-source platform is being created and tested. (mFund)

  • Greetings from the Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport (BMDV) - Norbert Földi, Department DP 24, data innovations, funding initiatives, mFUND
  • PriMa-plus-ÖV: Goal, benefits and partners of the project - Ilka Hunger, ZVON; Heike Schleussner, ENO
  • Public transport taxi in practice: Best practices and experiences - Dennis Steinke, BBG and partner
  • Social mobility participation, data structure and integration of relevant groups of actors - Leif Sörensen, University of Applied Sciences and Arts (HAWK); Felix Gündling, TU Darmstadt; Friedrich Bledl, Interlink GmbH

10:30 a.m. - 10:45 a.m. coffee break

Alternative forms of offering and on-demand systems in public transport

10:45 a.m.
11:15 a.m

ERZmobil – OnDemand in rural areas
Dr. Martin Benedict, Head of Smart City, City of Zwönitz (digital)

On Demand System MOBILE-FLEX
Manuel Quinting, Director Research & Product Strategy, INIT Group

11:15 a.m.
12:00 p.m

Working round 1: Integration of flexible mobility offers in public transport
• Stakeholders and existing offers • Technical and operational implementation • Necessary steps •

12:00 p.m. - 12:45 p.m. Lunch break and networking

Best practices: offer design in rural areas

12:45 p.m.
1:30 p.m

“MoPlan&AnrufbusFlex”: OnDemand transport in rural areas
Fabian Watzke, Vetter Reisen

 PORAS: Consideration of planning requirements for school transport, especially in rural areas, with the help of a new planning tool
Friedrich Bledl, project manager for public transport planning, Interlink GmbH

1:30 p.m. - 2:00 p.m Discussion in the plenum: Sustainable service design as a supplement to public transport; Next steps and further approaches

14:00 clock

end of the event

Information about the event

beginning of the event 30.11.2023 09:00
end of the event 30.11.2023 14:00
registration deadline 28.11.2023
max participants 60
Participant 44
Free places 16
Venue ENERGY co-working space

Registrations for this event are no longer accepted.